Gambling Debt Stories Uk
Mr Calvert placed up to 20 bets a day at £30,000 a punt |
A man is suing William Hill for more than £2m, money he lost gambling after asking the bookmaker not to let him bet again.

Whether due to one unlucky break or gambling that becomes a habit, many UK consumers find themselves with gambling debts. In the UK, these debts owed directly to the other party to the gambling might be considered debts of honour and therefore might not be enforceable in court.
At just 28 years old, Graham Calvert has achieved a great deal. He built his reputation as a greyhound trainer and became one of the best in Britain.
It was a job which earned him up to £30,000 a month and he built up savings of nearly £700,000.
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He was even chosen to train dogs for international competitions and his reputation should have ensured a prosperous future.
But it has all been ruined by his gambling habit which has cost him his career, family life and business.
Run an internet search for the words 'Ryder Cup punter' and one of the first items which appears is a story about a gambler who in 2006 placed £347,000 on America to win the Ryder Cup.
At the time it was the biggest golf bet in history and, if successful, would have returned £753,000.
But the downside for the punter was that America lost and the big problem for Graham Calvert, from Wearside, is that he was the punter. That, though, was just a fraction of his losses.
Moments of clarity
He began gambling at the end of 2005 and it wasn't just the odd fiver on the horses.
He says he didn't get a buzz out of bets of tens or hundreds of pounds. He wanted to gamble thousands.
At one stage he placed up to 20 bets a day at £30,000 a punt. But, by his own admission, in what he describes as 'rare moments of clarity', he realised it was all getting out of hand and so excluded himself from a number of bookmakers.
Some of them wouldn't let him bet again while others only allowed him maximum bets of a few hundred pounds. But Mr Calvert was a big time gambler so he went in search of other bookmakers to take on his bets.
So, in May 2006, he opened an account with William Hill - one of the best known bookies in the UK.
He says up until that point he had been reluctant to gamble with them because they owned the track where he raced his dogs.
After placing some big bets he closed that account after just a few days, although he chose to re-open it two weeks later.
About a week later, after more bets totalling nearly £300,000 pounds, he closed it again and this is when he was offered what's known as 'self exclusion'.
This, his lawyers say, is a facility provided by bookmakers to help gambling addicts break free of their addiction.
'Account closed'
The BBC has obtained a transcript of the conversation between Mr Calvert and a team leader at William Hill.
J: 'Hi Mr Calvert , you're through to John, team leader here. I understand you want to close the account?'
GC: 'Yes please, yeah.'
J : 'Can you tell me why that is please?'
GC: 'Cos it's just far too easy to gamble.'
J: 'Right, so do you want to be self-excluded at this point then? Which means you will not be able to open the account with us again within the next six months?'
GC: 'That's right, aye.'
Graham Calvert is claiming William Hill was negligent |
J: 'Right, well, what I'll do is I'll pass on all the relevant information.'
GC: 'Right.'
J: 'The account will now be closed, you will not be able to open it within the next six months.'
After a discussion about returning the remaining funds in the account to Mr Calvert, he's told by J: 'But the money will be returned to your account and the account will now be closed for the next six months.
'You will not be allowed to open it under any circumstances. You will not be allowed to bet over the phone with William Hill.'
But two months later, Mr Calvert did start betting with William Hill again by opening a new account in his own name.
Sacks of cash
It was through this account that he placed the huge bet on the Ryder Cup.
His downward spiral continued and ended up going into William Hill branches with sacks full of cash, using up all his savings and borrowing more than £1m from business associates.
By the time he stopped gambling with William Hill he had made a net loss of just under £2.1m, the amount he is now claiming against them in a High Court case due to start next week.
Regardless of Mr Calvert's big time gambling past his legal team claim that William Hill were negligent in allowing him to continue to gamble after agreeing that he would be self-excluded and that they should be held responsible for the consequences.
But of course there are two sides to the story. William Hill are strongly contesting the claims.
They argue that any individual choosing to place a bet does so as a matter of their own voluntary choice.
The case is likely to take a long look at the issue of duty of care. Where does the responsibility of both the gambler and the bookmaker start and finish?
It will be for the court to establish exactly how and why Mr Calvert resumed betting and whether William Hill can be held legally liable for his behaviour.
Read a selection of the comments:
A bookmaker has, in my opinion, as much duty to a customer as any retailer or publican in refusing their service/product to a customer who they believe is abusing the product. This relates directly to publicans who continue serving customers who have obviously have a problem drinking or had too much alcohol, the publicans are only interested in the customers money, and the after effects can be left to other people or services to clear up, and they take no blame or cost to the consequences of there customer. The Government or authorities seem to pay little or no heed to this ever growing problem which is the root of social disorder.
Mark O'Connor, Worthing
Bookmakers only exist because people lose money on them. However their system ought not to have allowed Graham Culvert to open a new account. This man seems to be not responsible for his actions, but it cuts both ways - if he had won that big bet would he still be complaining that William Hill shouldn't have let him bet?
Andy, London, UK
I work for one of the biggest bookies in Europe as a Bookmaker/Risk Manager. In this particular instance William Hill have done everything reasonably possible to help him stop. If he wished to open another account he could have opened one in the name of a friend or spouse with there help. I don't believe they should be held liable for his actions. (I don't work for William Hill)
Bookmaker/Risk Manager, Gibraltar
I'm sure if he had won the bookmaker wouldn't be able to sue him! This is only a case because he lost, he found a loophole through which he managed to open a new account and should surely be responsible for his own actions. The trend of people suing companies despite performing actions consciously and with carelessness must stop somewhere. If he wins the floodgates could open…maybe I could claim my tenner back I lost on last weeks EuroMillions!
Stuart, London
I work in a major bookmakers (not William Hill) and we operate the self exclusion policy and our bosses are regularly regulating it to ensure we are up to scratch with the policies. We even have role playing sessions! However if Mr Punter truly wishes to have a bet, he will and can do. Even if he was excluded from my own shop, if he came in on my day off when we have different staff, how would they know? There is always a way to gamble! The bookmaker is offering a service, and it's up to the individual to make the choice.
Sandy, Bristol, UK
While it is socially responsible for bookmakers to provide assistance to helping gambling addicts, ultimately the responsibility is down to the individual. Interesting thing to consider, if Mr Calvert had won big, would he have insisted on giving the money back as he'd obtained it while he was supposedly excluded? I think not.
Philip Chillag, Lancaster, England
How can he hold somebody else responsible for his actions? OK he had a gambling problem, but he's the one who kept finding new bookies, opening new accounts, rather than looking for the help he should have been seeking. From this article it seems his attempts to break his addiction were lack lustre and inconsistent at best, and his attempts to sue them are to make him feel better and ease his conscience by shifting the blame. Both the money and the peace of mind he would get will only serve to further fuel his malfunction. What's the phrase, sow the wind and reap the whirlwind?
Andy, Swanley
Surely William Hill is not to blame here? Even if Graham Calvert's betting account had been blocked, surely he could've gone to any of the other bookmakers and placed bets with them.
Daniel Walker, Chester
Yes, of course they have a duty of care. Self exclusion should be strictly enforced. But of course that in itself is one of the pitfalls of living in a permissive capitalist society: If you lose everything through your own actions, then regret it afterwards, you shouldn't be allowed to sue just so you can get it all back. I wonder, if Mr Calvert was a highly addicted, but highly successful gambler, would he be as keen to punish companies like William Hill?
Stuart Bell, Shetland, UK
Perhaps William Hill should have went further to address his need - referral to Gamblers Anonymous? But really its not their place to hold his hand, if he had won it wouldn't even be an issue and am sure he would've continued to this day. Besides wouldn't have he have went to a black market bookie anyway. Take responsibility Graham - counselling not compensation!
Craig, Dundee
I have seen first hand what gambling addiction can do to a family and friends as a close family member of mine has gambled away the house and life savings they had shared with partner. All totalling around £600k lost in 2 years and borrowing another £50k after to keep on gambling leaving them in both in deep debt. Now we are left picking up the pieces, paying their debts and providing for them. Pubs will not server drunk people, junkies get help from doctors & social services etc, why cannot gambling addiction be viewed in similar ways?
Anon, London
Although gambling might be a tempting activity that you enjoy, for many people around the world gambling can be a serious problem. From huge financial losses to the losses of loved ones and the breakdown of marriages to murdering one’s own family, gambling addiction can have some truly negative and horrific outcomes. It is best to seek help as soon as you feel that you are losing control of your gaming and are unable to stop. There are plenty of organisations out there which specialise in helping addicts deal with their addiction. In our blog post today, we will share with you some horrific gambling stories with the hope to dissuade you from gambling and losing out on more than you bargained for.
Curt’s Story
Before checking in to the Lutheran Social Services’ Gambler’s Choice programme, Curt’s addiction had driven him to suicidal thoughts. He described his addiction to gambling as a serious ‘hangover’, which prevented him from stopping. Thoughts of suicide are severely serious and require instant attention. The fact that Curt wanted to die because he was losing out on so much money as a result of gambling is an indication that he couldn’t cope with the situation. As soon as you feel that your gambling habit is starting to get out of control, contact an organisation such as GamStop right away. They will help you deal with your impulses to gamble and your gambling addiction. Today, Curt is attending Gamblers Anonymous meetings, working on regaining his family’s trust, and is being much more careful with his money than he would previously.
Jodie Nealley
Jodie Nealley is another individual who truly suffered as a result of her gambling addiction. This time, however, she was forced to pay up for her losses and since she couldn’t do so, she was sent to jail. She lost her husband after a sad divorce as well as a beautiful home and a job. Learning her lesson whilst in jail, Jodie is now an Intervention and Recovery Support Coordinator at the Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling. She has been in recovery from gambling disorder for six years and in recovery from alcohol for 22. The combination of gambling and alcohol addiction is scary and requires a lot of effort to overcome. Jodie Nealley has truly committed herself to a strong recovery and is addressing the symptoms on a day to day basis.
Anonymous 1
According to Financial Spread Betting, Anonymous also has a horror story to share. This time the story is related to credit card debts while at the same time being unemployed. Anonymous started out as a shy gambler who would phone in to bookies and place his bets. However, his interest in placing bets soon turned out into an addiction that he couldn’t control. This led to severe gambling debts being into the thousands of pounds, which he can’t afford to repay as he is currently unemployed and still struggles with the urge to place a bet even though he doesn’t have the cash to do so. Remember to seek help as soon as you notice any of these symptoms cropping up in your experience.
Anonymous 2
Anonymous 2 is another example of a sad situation where gambling has taken over someone’s life and made things exceptionally difficult. In Anonymous 2’s case, the situation led to divorce and having to ask his father for financial support. With four children in the mix, this situation really got out of hand when Anonymous 2 decided to gamble at a casino. With a lucky winning streak, he gambled funds that he thought he could double and even triple. Yet the situation turned out that he lost 15k in the drop of an eye and these were 15k which he didn’t have. A grown adult asking his parents for financial help is an embarrassing situation, but gambling addiction isn’t embarrassing and you need to seek professional help wherever you feel the need as you do not want to end up divorced, where your significant other doesn’t trust you, and where you’re digging into savings that affect your children’s futures.
Tala’s Story
Tala and her husband would go to casinos several times a year just for fun. However, Tala’s love for gambling became a problem that she would hide from her husband and her family as she managed to withdraw all the cash she had available on her and her husband’s credit cards. This led to a situation where her husband was denied credit after applying for it, telling his wife that she had ruined his “good name”. To avoid situations where you’re squeezing out your family’s hard-earned cash, without their knowledge, and to resist the urge to gamble away money that you do not have, seek help as soon as possible.
Murder of a Family
Losing money and your family’s trust aren’t the only terrible things that could happen to you as a result of your gambling addiction. There was a story of a North American man who ran a business whose grave he was slowly digging as a result of his gambling addiction. Things got so bad that one night he strangled his children three, and then shot his wife and then himself. This murder should send horrific tingles down your back as you contemplate this poor man’s situation. Things had gotten so out of hand for him that he simply believed he couldn’t go on with not only his life, but with his family either. There was simply no hope for him; no light at the end of the tunnel. This darkness can be defeated with the right help. If you feel that you’ve reached a point of no return, help is always available. Please seek it out when you feel down! Murders of innocents can be avoided this way as can suicide.
Gambling Debt Stories Uk Online
As you can see from these brief examples, gambling addiction can have a range of diversely different consequences and they are all bad. You will be doing yourself a favour if you seek help as soon as possible. Gambling addiction is a very serious mental addiction that makes one think that he or she can make up losses by playing a little bit more or adding a few more dollars or pounds to the game. This assumption is incorrect and there is no evidence that this wrongly-held belief is correct. Better save yourself some trouble, money, and the loss of loved ones and seek professional help. GamStop, Gamble Aware, and Gamblers Anonymous are some important institutions that can help you and support you as you address the void that is created by gambling.
Gambling Horror Stories – What Else You Need to Know?
Gambling Debt Stories Uk Website
The horror stories speak for themselves and we sincerely hope you can put them down to experience so that you never have to go through something like this. We give you the crux of the matter with this final section. Quitting gambling takes some doing, but it’s for your own good, so you better start now if you’re having problems controlling the urge to place wagers.
⚽️ Can I get in trouble for betting on sports?
Even shy punters can be in danger of developing a gambling addiction. All sorts of cases are reported daily to Gamblers Anonymous and GamCare. The most important rule if you can't give up on betting, is to do it in moderation. Use the limitation tools available on most licensed sports betting sites.
🔒 Has someone gone to jail due to gambling addiction?
Going to jail isn't out of the question, especially if we are talking about a significant debt. An important lesson can be learned from Jodie Neallyey's case who not only went to jail but also lost her husband, home, and, job while serving time.
🧠 What does gambling do to the brain?
There are a lot of experiments and tests that have been made to identify how the human brain reacts when a person is gambling. There are certain emotions that activate from the back of the brain that are really close to the feeling of happiness, euphoria and satisfaction or anger when the player wins or loses.
🤑 Is gambling addictive?
Gambling is proven to be addictive. People often start playing out of boredom or due to a tragic episode in their lives. Gambling addiction could be also triggered by drugs or strong influence from someone, whether a friend or a relative. Of course, it is not always permanent – there are a lot of ways and a lot of people that have cured themselves and now live a normal life.
💷 Why are casinos so addictive?
There are a lot of myths for casinos, including that there is something in the drinks or in the air in the facility. Both online and land-based casinos are addictive – there are a lot of triggers that get players to dig deeper in then their pockets and play more. This includes bright colours, triggering words and music or ringing when you win and other visual and sound stimuli.
👪 How does gambling affect relationships?
When gambling becomes a routine, it might affect not only your life, but your relationships. There is a high percent of couples that split up because of gambling addiction and all the dept that comes consequently. According to tabloids, this is the main reason celebrities like Ben Affleck got divorced.
👉 Is gambling a mental illness?
Gambling could be considered mental illness. There are a lot of people that struggle with gambling addiction. Therefore, there are a lot of organizations that support online casino sites and prevent gamblers from playing too much. Same goes for land-based casinos. It takes a lot of time, but gambling addiction is curable.