Post Flop Poker Odds Calculator
Poker Odds Calculator is a free odds calculator of various poker games including Texas Hold'em Poker and Omaha Poker. Now post flop 'outs' are calculated for each player. There are no known bugs with this poker calculator. Please email me if you find anything. Features:. Calculates odds for Texas Hold'em Poker and Omaha Poker. Poker Odds Calculator is a Texas Hold'em, and Omaha Poker odds calculator.Odds will be generated by either a simulation (approximation) or full calculation. Post flop 'outs' are calculated for.
An example.
You're in the BB position with your Jh-Th and you've called a pre-flop raise for the player on the button.

You're heads-up on the flop.
The pot is $6.

Your opponent bets $4 on the flop.

Post Flop Poker Odds Calculator Free
So you have to put $4 into a $10 pot (the pot before the flop is $6 + the $4 bet at the flop) if you want to see the turn.
Do you have the odds to continue? The odds will be expressed in several ways. One of them is 4:1. In other words, with a color flop draw, on one street only (here, the upcoming turn), on 5 occurrences, 4 times we'll miss our color draw and 1 time we'll hit it, hence the expression 4:1. We'll say we have a 4:1 odds
In other words, to get the correct odds to call the flop bet, the bet must be four times smaller than the size of the pot. Since the bet is 40% of the size of the total pot, it will be said that I don't have the odds to continue. In order to evaluate the profitability of a call, I have to relate the size of the bet to call to the size of the pot. I then compare the result to my chances of improving my hand. In a simple way, I will know that I am not paying a bet that is twice the size of the pot if I only complete my draw one time out of five times
So much for the basic idea. But there's still a lot more to be said to fully grasp the concept
Let's stick with our color print example. We know that our odds are 4:1 if we rely on a street just to hit our print (here, the turn). We calculate it that way because if we call the flop bet and the turn is a brick, there's a good chance that our bad guy will bet on the turn again and we won't be able to see the river for free
Post Flop Poker Odds Calculator Online
As for the odds of completing our draw on the turn and the river, the odds are 2:1, i.e. out of 3 occurrences, 2 times the draw will not be completed and 1 time it will be completed (this is important to specify because it could be thought that a 2:1 odds indicates that an event will occur 1 time out of 2 when it is more like 1 time out of 3)