Morongo Casino Turnaround Trips
Morongo Casino Turnaround Trips 2019

Morongo Casino Turnaround Trips
How to Book a Casino Group Trip. Casino Day Trips are for groups/organizations that consist of 35 or more passengers. You cannot have less than 35 people. Booking your next casino trip is easy! There are two steps involved, and both steps should be taken care of on the same day. First, secure your bus, and then make your reservation at the casino. Last night, one of my last trips of the night. 6 mile to pickup, 30 mile trip, drop off was a mile from my house. As soon as I accepted, text message, 'Please don't cancel on me! I've been trying to get home for 3 hours!' She has a 4.90 rating. When I get there, she tells me drivers have been 3 minutes away and cancelled. Morongo Casino Trip Every Wednesday and Friday. Pay $25.00 receive $35.00 Black Card Credit for play. Pay $25.00 receive $30.00 Titanium Card Credit for play.