Enhance Shaman Best In Slot
- A very descriptive Enhancement Shaman Guide. My voice started suffering midway from all the talking i did, but hey, i did it!For those who only care about ce.
- Re: Enhance best in slot. OK, I see where you are going with it. I can go ahead and say that if you want to keep the 4-piece set bonus that the use of the T7.5 helm is pretty much a requirement.

With many different sources of gearing and loot scarcity in Shadowlands, targeting your absolute Best in Slot gear isn't entirely realistic; instead, we've created a Best in Slot list from the ideal Elemental Shaman raid drops found in Ny'alotha, to help you decide what to prioritize.
Enhance Shaman Best In Slot Players

Enhance Shaman Best In Slot Demon Hunter
Head | Hands |
Neck | Waist |
Shoulder | Legs |
Back | Feet |
Chest | Finger 1 |
Finger 2 | |
Trinket 1 | |
Wrist | Trinket 2 |
Mainhand | Offhand |
You may Copy & Paste this best in slot list to your guild forum Make sure you paste the code as BBCode in your thread. |